The whole reason we went to
Disneyland was to celebrated Nana's 90
th Birthday. So Sunday was the big party day! We started the party by going to church...awesome!

The girls looked so cute. After church we went to lunch and then got ready for family pictures...the Hemming favorite.

This one is cute..everyone looking at Nana except me. Logan was attacking the hair.

Love the silliness, especially Mallory.

Just the "big kids."

I love the
grandparents being so silly with the 6 youngsters.

Jeff captured some crazy pics of the kids.

Logan loves Papa. It is so funny to watch. He
turns into monster baby when Papa is around and NOT holding him.
After pictures we went to
Goofy's Kitchen to Party it up!!

Logan loved Dale. He was interested in a character up close.
I dressed Logan up as
Mickey Mouse which I thought would be cute. He
wouldn't wear his ears, and then got so fussy with all the fluff around him. Michael hated it too. So he ripped it off of him, leaving him to look like a little black ninja for the rest of the night.

Nana and Goofy!

Uncle Jeff watched the wild kids after the insanely crazy party. Leave it up to him to think up something fun for the kids to do. They spent almost an hour taking pictures like these. They're so
After only going to Disneyland for half a day on Friday and being there over the weekend, the kids were DYING to go. So they were pumped up for Monday morning.
so cute!