Friday, January 15, 2010

Is this really happening to me???

Jillian brought home a sweet little cold from our trip to Utah. She is a handful when she is sick. Tantrums galore!! She coughs and coughs and keeps everyone up. I did barrow a humidifier from my friend which was MAGIC!! The cold was quickly passed to Mallory, who was delighted to skip school for a day. The next target was my sweet baby Logan. I just hate when babies get all stuffy. I bounced the humidifier back and forth between all the rooms. I really do need 3 or 4. I soon started getting a fever and all the cold symptoms, and then Micheal. Love family closeness.

I have been so busy I haven't slept much, with sick kids and all. Michael has been busy with all his investigations...working on his days off! After 1 1/2 weeks of feeling like crap, I broke down and went to a doctor. I really should have known better. A good doctor where we live...Right. That would be like asking for a good school. NOT HERE! NO WAY!!

I went to a dumb walk-in clinic with Jillian and Logan. Here again, I should have known better. While I was signing in, Jillian starts freaking out. We get settled down in a chair and she says she has to throw up. I jump up and drag her to a bathroom, leaving Logan all by himself in a room of sick old people! I ask myself "Is this really happening to me."I was glad that she at least told me. How embarrassing would that be if she threw up in the waiting room??? So we waited for an hour and she kept throwing up every 15 minutes. I finally broke down and could not take it anymore. It was the worst thing ever. I got my copay back and left, feeling sick and not being able to having a sick little girl.

Micheal came home and watched the kids while I went to another walk in clinic, that I find out bills as urgent care. I just love that. Guess we should just start getting to our deductible for the year! Anyway, I end up getting 2 shots in the rear and tons and tons of scripts. I have bronchitis and pneumonia. Then he tells me to rest for a few days...does he know I have kids??? I am feeling a little better and can breath now...kinda important.

This morning I was changing Logan's diaper and I walked away to get the diaper rash cream. He has had a bad rash since his last round of antibiotics before Christmas. When I got back I saw blood dripping all over him. There was blood all over his legs that he had smeared and all over my white carpet. I am thinking he was rubbing his rash and irritated it enough to start bleeding. So another call to the doctor, begging that I don't have to go in and for a phoned in prescription.

I guess when it rains it pours. Please can we be healthy now? We need sleep!


  1. Oh that all sounds awful! I hope things improve for everyone quickly!

  2. Oh, Melinda! Yikes! I wish I could bring you dinner!

  3. Oh no! That sounds worse than when I talked to you yesterday! I wish I could make you something you wouldn't eat anyway! :) (ha ha ha) No, really, I feel so bad! That is so sad. And poor little Logan! I can't wait to see you guys...let's hope we are all healthy then!
